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Fade RJRMIX - Printable Version

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RE: Fade RJRMIX - Franz - 27-06-2024

Hey erjee
Yes, I've just listened to this version 7. It sounds really good. It's pretty close to the original, but with a little rock edge. 
But that's a matter of personal taste. 
I find that overall the mix lacks air, there's no real depth and the vocals and some of the guitars are really upfront, something I don't really appreciate. It's obvious when listening through headphones: you get the feeling of being suffocated. But on other listening systems, it's fine. 
Bravo for your pugnacity. This is your best version....

RE: Fade RJRMIX - ERJEE - 28-06-2024

Hi Franz, thanks for listening! Indeed in V7 went for a more modern in-your-face sound. Tried to mellow some of the upfront guitars in the verses - updated the same V7!


RE: Fade RJRMIX - Franz - 28-06-2024

Hey erjee,

Small or rather big doubt concerning a possible update of your version 7. Please note that the update does not appear in the reference. Well, the problem is that I don't hear any difference between the two versions I downloaded. 

My ears, perhaps? 

Allow me to make an almost philosophical remark: 7 versions are already a considerable amount of work when you realize that there are differences between the first version and the last.
But at some point, it might be wise to stop making hypothetical changes that you end up not really hearing. Logic would dictate that, after the nth version, we reset everything to zero and start a new mix, taking into account all the changes made in the various versions. Visibility, or rather hearing, would then be all the better, as the whole mix would be tackled anew, rather than focusing on the not always perceptible changes of n versions. Just a point of view...



RE: Fade RJRMIX - ERJEE - 29-06-2024

Hi Francis, thanks, I will check if if uploaded the wrong/same version! (Indeed the changes were minor as I was quite satisfied with V7)
I agree that sometimes you can better start over with fresh ears after a few days not hearing the track.
Just for fun, I like to do this experiment on the tracks on this forum: remixing after a few months or even years and see/hear what comes out of it.
Funny enough I did start from scratch on V7.
