(Registered User)

Registration Date: 04-09-2024
Date of Birth: 1981
Local Time: 12-10-2024 at 03:39 PM
Status: Offline

TheaterSoundGuy's Forum Info
Joined: 04-09-2024
Last Visit: 30-09-2024, 09:55 PM
Total Posts: 2 (0.05 posts per day | 0 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 1 (0.03 threads per day | 0 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 1 Hour, 44 Minutes, 4 Seconds
Additional Info About TheaterSoundGuy
Sex: Male
Location: Germany
Bio: Educated audio engineer employeed on german Theater and opera houses.

TheaterSoundGuy's Signature

„Das vollkommene soll nicht geworden sein.“ - Friedrich Nietzsche

Equipment: X32 Compact, MacBook Pro, Monitors iLoud MTM, Main Monitors RFT BR2725, Reaper 7