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Full Version: Semantics - a new approach for the CJ Fuller mix
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Man, this track ROCKS! I'm hearing a lot of classic influences in this one - everything from Green Day and Nirvana to The Beatles. Love it.

I will say first that I mostly mixed this track without listening to the original or anyone else's first. I think you'll find it has quite a different sound from most.

I know a lot of people had issues with this one. I found the vocals and guitars a pleasure to mix - lots of double tracks, plenty of backing vox, so it was easy to achieve a really big sound! That all came together really quickly for me. My main choice was whether to have the guitars panned such as it was always wide, and just got wider during the chorus, or have it more like several guitarists playing, and sometimes one guitar just from one side, which is what I eventually did. For example, at one point in the bridge I had the 2 acoustic takes panned hard L-R, which just gave an acoustic wash over the whole bridge, but ended up panning it so an acoustic is on the left, and an electric on the right.

But then I went back and worked on the drums, and that really took most of the time... People complained about phase, but I found by flipping the phase on the snare up, it took care of most of it. But there was a lot of bleed on everything... at one point it felt a bit like the line in the bridge "can't clean anything up, without messing up something else..."

Also, the kick samples provided just did NOT work for me, no matter what I did. I ended up replacing them with my own! I kinda wish they had at least provided the original mic kick track in its original form...

Anyway, enjoy. Hope you like it, and please leave some feedback.

(edit - I found an error on my mastering chain that had introduced some noise - fixed and re-uploaded with some slight tweaks)
It's over-compressed, especially the master bus. It's a bit too audibly noticeable that you can hear the compressor ripping the volume at loud parts I.E the chorus and the snare is pulling everything else down especially because the master compressor has a slow release. Good use of FX, I quite like the use of the reverb in the breakdown as it suits the dreamy style. Good automation, good mix as I can hear every instrument I choose to listen to.