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Full Version: Mix Contest: 'Colour Me Red' (Cambridge-MT Patrons)
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It's competition time! Smile

It's been a while since I ran a proper mixing contest (the last one I did was The Great 'Blood To Bone' Mixoff), and we've not yet had one in the Discussion Zone either, so here goes!

Cambridge-MT Patrons 'Colour Me Red' Mixing Contest -- launch page.

There'll be feedback from me for all entrants, and (gosh!) prizes too!
Just a quick update to say that I've now tracked down and downloaded all the entrant mixes -- 25 of them in all -- and will be posting the first feedback shortly. Great to see so many of you getting involved! Smile

For the sake of clarity in the critiques, here's a list of the sections of the song as I see them, referenced according to timings in the library preview mix:
  • 0:00 -- Intro 1
  • 0:07 -- Intro 2
  • 0:25 -- Verse 1
  • 0:44 -- Verse 2
  • 1:02 -- Mid-section 1
  • 1:36 -- Verse 3
  • 1:54 -- Verse 4
  • 2:12 -- Mid-section 1
  • 2:46 -- Outro 1
  • 2:58 -- Outro 2
That's all the critiques done, I think -- phew! I always learn a lot doing it, but it does also take a lot of time!

And now get those updated mixes posted before the end of the end of this weekend and let's get to the adjudication! And remember, I'll be summing up my findings from all the critiques, as well as commenting on the top mixes in December's Patrons podcast -- where the winning mix will also be announced. Everything still to play for... Smile
Right -- finally got round to collating all the latest versions from each contest thread. I've not been too pernickety about the exact closure date, and have simply taken the most recent mix version for each entrant (as of today). After all, this context is mostly about sharing lots of feedback and everyone learning something, so it seems daft to me to work with a mix that the entrant has already improved upon.

Anyway, just for reference, here's a list of all the Patrons I've got in the final contest list to send to Diesel for judging:

activesense, APZX, ArmedNDaverous, coldvodka, Dangerous, Digitaldruglord, HbGuitar, HerbFelho, idearden, IRONWORK, javierpg84, jeffd42, JMac52, johnfueston, jp65535, jtbstudio, juanjose1967, Kesman2401, loweche6, Mandubien, Marty, Mixinthecloud, moussasfeir, nate, OlliH, RVMusic, thedon, yuen_roddy

Do let me know if I've inadvertently left anyone off the list! Otherwise, I'll see you all in the December podcast, where I'll be discussing the challenges of this multitrack, illustrating some of the common features of many of the submitted mixes, as well as announcing the winners!
(04-12-2016, 09:07 AM)Mike Senior Wrote: [ -> ]Right -- finally got round to collating all the latest versions from each contest thread. I've not been too pernickety about the exact closure date, and have simply taken the most recent mix version for each entrant (as of today). After all, this context is mostly about sharing lots of feedback and everyone learning something, so it seems daft to me to work with a mix that the entrant has already improved upon.

Anyway, just for reference, here's a list of all the Patrons I've got in the final contest list to send to Diesel for judging:

activesense, APZX, ArmedNDaverous, coldvodka, Dangerous, Digitaldruglord, HbGuitar, HerbFelho, idearden, IRONWORK, javierpg84, jeffd42, JMac52, johnfueston, jp65535, jtbstudio, juanjose1967, Kesman2401, loweche6, Mandubien, Marty, Mixinthecloud, moousasfeir, nate, OlliH, RVMusic, thedon, yuen_roddy

Do let me know if I've inadvertently left anyone off the list! Otherwise, I'll see you all in the December podcast, where I'll be discussing the challenges of this multitrack, illustrating some of the common features of many of the submitted mixes, as well as announcing the winners!

Hi Mike Senior,
I didn't see my mix listed. But I'm not sure if I'm a Patron. Where can we find the podcasts? Pardon my lack on info. Thanks for all you do here on the site.


Faders_up ' Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Mike Senior,
I didn't see my mix listed. But I'm not sure if I'm a Patron. Where can we find the podcasts? Pardon my lack on info. Thanks for all you do here on the site.



To become a patreon you need to go to the patreon website and support this site with money every month. In return you help keep this site up and running plus you get access to Mike Senior tutorials on mixing and podcast.
My guess is if you don't know you are probably not one.
(04-12-2016, 09:07 AM)Mike Senior Wrote: [ -> ]I've not been too pernickety about the exact closure date

I think the man deserves a prize of his own for using the word "pernickety" Big Grin

For the record I'd become Patron if I could but I'm broke.
Thanks Shul,
I was Googling "Patron" from the subject section and kept coming up with tequila Wink I'm now an official member.
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