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Pedaling Prince Mix: Street Noise - You Are The One
Sorry I didn't get to this sooner. My sister, who lives away, was down for a visit for the last few days with her boyfriend and they were staying here; I can't very well keep them up half the night working on mixes. Rolleyes

Anyway, Jacques, since you said my overall balance was good I didn't change any of the original fader levels. I did, however, make a few other adjustments per your suggestions:

(17-03-2014, 10:49 AM)Jacques Wrote: I think your last mix is a bit narrow . . .

I panned the electric guitars, Hammond organ and piano a little wider.

(17-03-2014, 10:49 AM)Jacques Wrote: . . . the cleaned rythmic GTR got no life she lost her bottom a bit . . .

On the original mix the rhythm guitar track only had minimal EQ, a 6.5 dB boost at 5600 Hz just to sharpen it up a tad. To try to put some of the low end back in I added boosts of 11.5 and 5 dB at 180 and 60 Hz respectively. Also, with the added emphasis on the low end I boosted 8 dB at 12 kHz to give it a little "air."

(17-03-2014, 10:49 AM)Jacques Wrote: . . . piano don't jump out some freq to enfatize some notes, probably because lead GTR fight with it.

I already did as much with the piano as I could EQ-wise so I decided to add some gentle compression to try to bring the piano out a bit more (threshold -18.5, ratio 3.9:1, attack 11 ms, gain 6 dB).

(17-03-2014, 10:49 AM)Jacques Wrote: Drums sound a bit little.

Here I decided to try a trick Valladares did with this track and used parallel compression on the kick and snare to give them a little more oomph. I kept the original drum tracks at their original level and used the compressed mults of the tracks at a lower level just to reinforce and bring out the drums a little more.

(17-03-2014, 10:49 AM)Jacques Wrote: On vox you could de-esse a bit more or probably is the pomping from the compressor you put on it.

Actually, this is the one point where I disagree; I felt the high frequencies, including the sibilants, suffered enough on the original source tapes. The vocals I kept as they were in the original mix.

So what do you think?

.m4a    You Are the OneB.m4a --  (Download: 16.68 MB)

John A. Ardelli
Pedaling Prince Pictures

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RE: Pedaling Prince Mix: Street Noise - You Are The One - by Pedaling Prince - 02-04-2014, 01:21 AM