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Symphony Of Silence
Five minutes here and there and Voilà, I have something to present. This is one of the few mixes I've done where I haven't felt the need to eq the drums. How cool is that!
Not sure I've mixed this in the styling that the artist would approve of, but more to my liking, which is what I tend to do these days. I did try to crunch things up a bit but couldn't get much more out of it with out it being detrimental overall. Anyways lots of fun and a smoking track. Thanks for listening, Thoughts welcomed.

Update 10-04-20 Mix#2 Added Slight refinement to the bass and treble frequencies

.mp3    MagiciansNephew_SymphonyOfSilence_Dangerous#1.mp3 --  (Download: 6.87 MB)

.mp3    MagiciansNephew_SymphonyOfSilence_Dangerous#2.mp3 --  (Download: 6.87 MB)

Hi Dave


Good job. That's one word for it.


Sounds great. Though maybe could be better if you worked on it twice as long. (That's an apocryphal and bastardized Beatles joke). The only thing that jumps out at me as an "issue" is the low end on the bass. It seems a little out of control. At least from what I can tell on earbuds. I think you nailed the energy of the song. Good job.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Solid mix!
(08-04-2020, 02:02 PM)Yoshi Nishikawa Wrote: Hi Dave


Good job. That's one word for it.


Thank you Yoshi, Appreciated Mate!
(08-04-2020, 06:08 PM)RoyM Wrote: Sounds great. Though maybe could be better if you worked on it twice as long. (That's an apocryphal and bastardized Beatles joke). The only thing that jumps out at me as an "issue" is the low end on the bass. It seems a little out of control. At least from what I can tell on earbuds. I think you nailed the energy of the song. Good job.

I still spent a far bit of time on it just mainly in 5, 10 & 15 minute pockets after work. My bass could be a bit unruly. I did lazily add a far amount of low end boost late in the mix to try and match up to my reference material. It probably requires a better approach.

Thanks for listening
(09-04-2020, 06:32 AM)Friggy Wrote: Solid mix!

ThanksBig Grin
hi! sounds great! the instruments sound superb together. maybe vocals could benefit from some automated effects or something. to do more justice for great band sound. ^_^

Your version two sounds really cool man! Tons of punch and power! maybe the only think I can think of is maybe adding a little bit of 300 to your bass during the verses? Somwhere in the lower mids. Maybe across the board? the seems to be a little bit of room that I think the bass could occupy. Right now you have a great huge kick sound, with a bass that is warm, but does leave a little something to be desired. With that said, I am not happy with where my bass has landed, but I kept myself to a very strict time constraint.

Also the sub bass from the kick leading into the 1st chorus gets a a little bit too big for its britches, heh.

All in all, a really fine mix with strong imaging, punch, and power.

Really nice work!
(22-04-2020, 08:21 PM)kapu Wrote: hi! sounds great! the instruments sound superb together. maybe vocals could benefit from some automated effects or something. to do more justice for great band sound. ^_^

True,  I'm just not sure on a direction to go with.  My creative juices are running bit low at the moment.  I may have to experiment and try to stumble upon something fitting.  

Thanks kapu