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How To Kill A Conversation - Oil (thelongestyear)
Here's my version. Which suffers from lack of the right guitar, buried lead vocal and the backs. But nevertheless it is what it is.
Please, share you thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.

.mp3    HOWTOKILLACONVERSATION_OIL3_RMS.mp3 --  (Download: 6.05 MB)

The balance is good. The vibe fits the song.
Makes me think about gang of 4.

The guitar has a midrange peak that make it harsh for my taste.

I know the lack of a doubled guitar makes it hard to mix.

I recorded a guitar doubling the main on the "heart on my thumb" song from this band exactly because of that. Made it pretty hard to mix without it.
Please comment on others mixes, this site is all about feedback.
Thanks for the feedback.
The guitar peak is at about 3.2 kHz, that's true.
I almost hated to mix this song because of the way it was recorded (the ridonkulous amount of bleeding and strange mic placing like with the right guitar track). Smile
I feel the need for remixing this now.
Yes its a hate love thing with this band. The songs are pretty fun but the recording and performance quality is pretty bad.

Please comment on others mixes, this site is all about feedback.