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Femme, Wall of Death
I thought this would be an interesting little song to get some practice on. I primarily mix pop, alt, rock, and acoustic music, so I wanted to give this "metal" a shot.

Wasn't a fan of the guitars so I reamped the DI tracks through my Orange DDT 100 and marshall JVM410H heads though Mesa oversized 4x12 and orange PPC 4x12 open back cabs with a mess of mics into my Ocean audio and SSL VHD preamps.

For the mix I just aimed for stupid aggression and punch. I did get a lot of use out of Maag Air EQ4 on the vocals though, and had some fun with the multiband transient designers on Alloy 22.

Of course I slathered the track in Slate VCC, VBC, VTM, and VMR, and use Waves SSL 4k E strips.

I'd say I did an okay mix for spending all of an hour on it for purely fun.

.mp3    WoD Full final.mp3 --  (Download: 9.64 MB)
