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Get Out Of Bed Mix, only 2 years late
Did this back in 2018....never realised this site had forums till now.......

Anyways enjoy see what you think

.mp3    Get Out Of Bed.mp3 --  (Download: 2.61 MB)

There is some white noise that you still hear when the whole band comes in. The lead guitar sounds a bit dull. Drums sounds great tho!

Nice overall balance.
My Gear:

Studio One 4
Focusrite Saffire
Art Stereo compressor
Qcon controller
Yamaha HS8 monitors
Beyer Dynamic DT770 pro
Soundtracs Topaz 24 analog mixer
Good timing... I just got done doing the master for this in the master forum. Nice and Punchy. Bass sounds a bit dull. Nice snare but I'd drop the drums a little. Tonally, I'd cut a little lower mid bass and give it a little high end lift.
It could use more 'energy'. That probably means more hi-end. Though, it is a little 'hissy'. It sounds like an early 80s mix but not in a bad way. More Dio than....whatever the kids listen to these days. It doesn't feel over compressed but very contained. Maybe it a tape saturation kinda way.

The things that really jump out at me is the forwardness of the kick and that the group vocals are kinda in the back. They are yelling after all. The bass distortion is also too out front and distract from the vocals. The vocals could grab me more. Not a fan of the snare. Maybe the gate feels too obvious. If it's not gated then...well.

It's not a bad mix. I rather like the sound. But it might not be 'modern' enough.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
I may tweak it, depends if I haven't any other work on this week and the data file doesn't spit messages at me (I'm expecting missing plugins and incompatible messages from it being an older version Cubase file).

Didn't think it was bad on a spare afternoon quickie have a go though ?
Tweaked I feared a few plugins and settings wouldn't happen (I did it previously on Cubase on 10.5. I also sold a few of the plugins I used here).

But I've tweaked around it....white noise is part of the actual analog chain, quietened it somewhat but it is what it is.....

.mp3    Get Out of Bed C Wilson.mp3 --  (Download: 2.6 MB)

I think the 2nd mix is an improvement. I dunno. I kinda just like to live in the moment and not compare. That's not a personal mantra I'm just lazy. But yeah from memory I'm confident it's a step up. Even if not I generally like what I'm hearing.

I wish the "heys" or whatever were bigger and in stereo.

The mix has a brightness that I don't hate. It works but a lot of the energy is in the upper mids.

If this mix were beating me up I'd say it's doing a lot of slapping but could do some more punching. I dunno. Maybe the slaps just grab my attention and distract from the body work. The kick and bass are there so the punch works but it's generally aggressive in the upper mids/highs. The vocals tend to blend in with everything else. I can't tell if you really want my lunch money. Everything seems to want to do their work around 3khz. It's a lovely frequency. I'm not anti 3k. But it's MSG.

Hope that helps. Probably not but a lot of judging mixing seems absurd. Also, it's late Saturday and I'm being obtuse about mixing. Yes there's a pandemic so I shouldn't be out anyway but still.

Anyhoo. It works.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.