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Is it too late to join in on this mix party?
Hey! Great mix! Allow me to give some opinions:

-Kinda wish the guitar in the beginning were center.
-I like how wide the guitars are in the verse. It really helps them stick out. I feel like they cover up the vocal a bit though...maybe just a small volume adjustment.
-Love how massive the toms are.
-For me, the vocal gets super buried. I feel like it just needs a presence boost. Maybe a top end boost combined with a deesser to give it some more air. I also think that the vocal could benefit from a low mid cut. There's actually not too much mid in the track as a whole but something about the vocal introduces some unwanted midrange to me. I just want the vocal to sit on top.
-The drum tones are pretty good. I personally had to double the snare and kick just to give it some umph. I understand you want to keep it organic but I could use a little more crack on the snare. Maybe a small top end boost on the bottom mic?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Is it too late to join in on this mix party? - by PhilThePeel - 30-03-2018, 04:31 PM