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Dino on the loose - armanrozika mix (no fx, volume and panning balance only)

Excellent and refreshing post. Great points, and quite a nice mix too. It's the right approach I think. I have some thoughts, which may or may not be of use, or actually any good, but hey... (I've been thinking about this a lot just recently).

The mix might not actually need any effects adding to make it more interesting. Before adding eq and effects, you might perhaps try experimenting with volume automation to enhance the interest, and to also help sculpt the 'long term dynamics' of the mix?

You can bring interesting phrases to the listeners attention, whilst pushing other things to the background temporarily if they are masking, etc. Just an example - around the 44 sec mark, you could maybe raise up the volume of the organ part, between the synth riff phrases?

I think good live bands kind of mix themselves in this manner to a degree, and you can enhance this a bit if required - by moving some things back and forward with automation throughout the mix. You can highlight what you want to hear more of. You might find you end up feeling you need to add less eq and fewer effects.

If the overall tone and natural ambience of the recording is good, you might not need to do much. Perhaps nothing other than removing a bit of low end rumble, setting a balance, and a touch of automation.

It's taken me a while, but I have started thinking back along these lines... I realise I have messed up a lot (all?) of my mixes by over processing, adding too much reverb/effects and over eq'ing, etc.... I feel you might be ahead of the curve here.

Anyway, apologies - I seem to have rambled on a bit. I saw your post, agreed with your way of thinking, and enjoyed your mix. Good luck!

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Dino on the loose - armanrozika mix (no fx, volume and panning balance only) - by mikej - 09-02-2020, 06:12 PM