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Swing Bazar's 'Fleche D'Or' (EquilibriumMIX)
It's all about taste Alexander and mixing to what your ears like. We have more dynamic range to play with these days than ever before. For me, I like to rein in individual tracks so they sit comfortably within a dynamic envelope. It's not just a matter of straight compression, quite often it's transient shaping. (controlling the attack of a strumming guitar, controlling the sustain of a note or just adjusting the timbre to suit) Apart from style, this can aid the long term dynamics of a song by creating room for other parts and to control ones focus. We are always trying to create a realistic elusion and focus through the song is important. I'm also a big fan of parallel compression where you can control the dynamic range and lift the quieter sounds without affecting the peak signals. With a song like this I find it's great for bringing the "body" out in the music but retaining it's flair. Once again your personal taste can govern how much. Personally I'm a big fan of dynamics and find it quite stimulating when executed well. As mixers, we have great scope in shaping and controlling the sound to ultimately show off the music the best we can. As you called it, "pursuit of musicianship mix" It's an interesting subject. Lastly, don't forget to visualise the music as you mix with your eyes closed!

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RE: Swing Bazar's 'Fleche D'Or' (EquilibriumMIX) - by Dangerous - 28-12-2019, 11:43 PM