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Plywood Cowboy: 'Last Night's Gig'
Dave! How's the world treating you?

You have some really nice sounds going on! I almost wonder if the harmonies section isn't just ever so slightly on the thick side of things? Maybe a little bit of automation in the low mids if you have all the vocals on a buss. Maybe the fiddle sounds a little like it was disconnected from the group during the solo portion? Or maybe it could do with just a little more ambience fx? I love the crunchy drums.

All together, you have a really nice sounding mix. I almost wanted to say the cymbals were a little bright. . . but I am not sure I want to hang my hat on that. It's a really nice listen!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Plywood Cowboy: 'Last Night's Gig' - by loweche6 - 03-09-2019, 12:53 AM