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Sugar... free!
(22-06-2019, 02:30 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: Overall it's really good. I do find the right panned guitar a bit distracting. Especially to the lead vocal. The snare is a little 'papery' at times. Maybe too much bottom mic. Is there reverb on the kick? I hear something at the quiet tempo change that feels weird. The screams at the end are pretty buried.

Other than that everything feels great. No complaints.

Hey Roy, thanks for listening and commenting! Yeah I get a bit bored with LCR panning on everything - I like to hear things pop out in different spots just to give the ear something to latch onto. BTW, the lead guitar reverts to central panning when the guitar wall comes in. I usually try to put fairly substantial ambience in the other speaker, so it doesn't sound too disconnected. I can totally understand that it might sound a little jarring, but I guess that's kind of the point!

I fought with the snare quite a bit. There was not much snap to be had in the recorded version, and the snare top was pretty dull - hence the prominence of the bottom snare. I might have another listen to see if I can improve it.

Yes, there's a bit of ambience on the whole kit including the kick - I "enlarged" the room mic by using some artificial reverb combined with compression and some fairly extreme eq cuts.

Thanks for your input, Roy!

(22-06-2019, 02:38 PM)Quathamer Wrote: Big fan of this mix lad, love the grip you have on everything. Great width, love the tone on the drums and bass. Nothing is panned weirdly. I love the tom work especially the lower resonances, I think that's something I could have worked on on my mix.

If there was any opportunity for improvement, and I mean only, I think the vocals could come up a smidgen. ... actually no I take that back, I think its actually loud enough its just missing a little of the body under 800hz. If you were you very mildly bump an analogue shelf @ say 450hz, wide q, linear phase eq, boosted somewhere between 1.5db - 2.5db, I think your vocal might appear more upfront without it overpowering your guitar's presence and priority which you've nailed in my opinion.

Though tbh, I'm suffering since my Mac went down (new ones coming this week) so please excuse the unnecessary detail. I just wish I could do some mixing rn.

Cool, thanks Q! I'll have a listen to those eq moves and see what I can do!

(22-06-2019, 06:35 PM)rageix Wrote: Overall it's a pretty solid mix. Only thing I think that needs changing is there too much low end panned left and too much high end panned right. It's a bit distracting, the energy levels just feel really different.

Thanks Rageix! I'm guessing you're mainly referring to the drums? The floor tom is on the left, so that may be the culprit. I'll take a look at that balance and see if it can be improved. Thanks again for listening and commenting!

(22-06-2019, 07:50 PM)AndyGallas Wrote: Sounds good to me!
Personally I'd like to hear more crack on the snare and keep the cymbals (crashes) a bit more controlled, lower.


Hey Andy, thanks! (I love the groove your version of this mix has, BTW - you really hit it out of the park there!). TBH, I didn't notice anything too untoward with the cymbals, (overly loud cymbals that stick out usually really annoy me no end) but I'll definitely have to go back and listen out for it. The length of the track definitely meddled with my objectivity!

Thanks to all who listened and commented!

All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:

Messages In This Thread
Sugar... free! - by FytaKyte - 22-06-2019, 09:08 AM
RE: Sugar... free! - by Roy - 22-06-2019, 02:30 PM
RE: Sugar... free! - by Quathamer - 22-06-2019, 02:38 PM
RE: Sugar... free! - by rageix - 22-06-2019, 06:35 PM
RE: Sugar... free! - by AndyGallas - 22-06-2019, 07:50 PM
RE: Sugar... free! - by FytaKyte - 22-06-2019, 11:39 PM
RE: Sugar... free! - by jerze - 25-06-2019, 06:47 PM