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FytaKyte: 'Bitter' Mix by Patsculle
Whoah! Holy Big Drums, Batman! Cool drum sounds - I love how roomy it is, whilst still retaining definition and punchiness. That kick and snare - awesome!

Kudos on the drums, however they are probably the mix's greatest strength, but also fundamental to its weakness too. The drums are simply too prominent in the mix - particularly the space that the kick drum takes up. There is quite a lot of low end in the floor toms - that could probably be moderated a bit without losing anything valuable. Just dialling the drums back a bit overall would improve things.

The harmonic elements of the mix, the guitars and keys seem like a bit of an "also-ran" here... It's not that they don't work in this context, because they clearly do. As a sort of benign - although slightly bland - "pad" behind the vocal it definitely fills out the midrange frequency content of the mix. However, the main guitar riff is actually a very important instrumental hook, designed to weave in and out of the vocal. I actually enlarged on the intent and direction of the production here:

Bringing the guitars up to give the mix some harmonic "meat" is really important to the structure of the track. That said, it takes some judicious automation of levels to really make everything work together without different elements masking each other. Some subtle side-chaining moves may help too.

The vocals are at a good level in the mix, and they sound good from a frequency/compression perspective. However the way they have been processed with reverb actually puts them "behind" the drums on the soundstage from my perspective. They have a sense of "diffuse-ness" that tends to distance them rather than bring them forward. It could be a simple fix like increasing the pre-delay time on the reverb. Actually, I think the treatment you have on the lead vocal would probably be better suited to the backing vocals.

Overall, this is pretty impressive - there is some very impressive sounds on display here. Obviously I have a very singular vision for the track, so I tend to critique it from that point of view. I do enjoy getting other perspectives too - sometimes I am surprised by what appeals to me. However, since I think many here are either already or hoping to mix music for clients, I think it is worth getting feedback, not just from a technical perspective, but also from a "mix vision" perspective.

Nice work!
All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:

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RE: FytaKyte: 'Bitter' Mix by Patsculle - by FytaKyte - 22-06-2019, 02:02 AM