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Sugar - Faith
Hi guys,
thanks for you replies.
You may take a look at my other songs as well i think, as i had mainly problems with this one that i tried to hard to fix, hence the overcompression especially on the drums.
I had sudden peaks on the kick and snare tracks that i may be better of automating i guess, i'm working on improving the mix right now and may post it tomorrow i think.
As far as guitar sound goes, yes i rather squished that first guitar to have it sit in the intro when the rhythm guitars kick in, something i missed on other mix attempts. I kicked all guitars through an LA2A-style plugin to give them some saturation as i found them to be rather dark, i also used multiband compression after that to filter out some nasty midrange frequencies. I'm not hearing phase cancellations what exactly do you mean? I checked guitars in solo both in stereo & mono, i only used small amounts of delay to give them more space but nothing too heavy. As far as monitoring goes, thanks for the advices, i'm not as new to mixing as you might think, but i come from the live sound world and i'm mainly doing FOH jobs, this might be a reason i'm monitoring at quite high volumes and tend to overuse eqs and filters, but i'm also listening to some parts at lower volumes to check if they still sound good then, but my master eq might be a bit too much i think. As for monitor speakers i use a pair of rather old Quadral Montan MK I, which had a crossover refreshing but are still a bit too bass heavy and too quiet in the HF, i tried to fix this with a dsp and also have a pair of swissonic monitors to compare, i also solo single channels on headphones as i also do live to work on the details.
So again, thanks for your response and please also have a listen to the other tracks i mixed.

Messages In This Thread
Sugar - Faith - by Thomas Mueller - 06-06-2019, 11:18 PM
RE: Sugar - Faith - by Shul - 10-06-2019, 08:57 AM
RE: Sugar - Faith - by Leonnyxx - 11-06-2019, 09:18 PM
RE: Sugar - Faith - by Thomas Mueller - 13-06-2019, 08:54 PM
RE: Sugar - Faith - by Thomas Mueller - 14-06-2019, 10:41 AM