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Swinging Steaks: 'Lost My Way'
Hey K, ké ase! Comments on v2 all the time since it seems to be the more worked out version.

Acoustic guitar sounds great, very natural with all lowend boom removed. I've panned it left just the same and gone for a similar role and tone, but yours is better. Digging those drums too, kick maybe a little too metal for me but everything else is spot on and it shows nice control of dynamics and space, like they take one step back thru the busiest parts even thou the drummer is hitting them harder, which apparently doesn't make sense but it just does. Good idea to narrow the OH's stereo a little, also.

The chorus and m8 has a gritty crunch that reminds me of The Kinks cutting the guitar speaker in You Really Got Me (funny, the last long wheel feels cleaner, maybe because of the highs in the additional BV's) or just every TheGoTeam! song. Pretty cool, it's raw but not bloated sounding. Is it coming from one of those AirWindows tape emulations?

It's kinda the bummer when 90% of the mix is just great but an offending part is fudging bass because it just won't stop! It's pretty less noticeable after the m8 (I guess the keys help with this thou it also seems as if you did slim it down somehow), but for the first half of the tune the bass is not helping. It's just too big and boomy and lacking articulation and is making the song feel slower than it is (especially in the main intro riff thou that's easily the worst part of the song performance wise), thinking of a big sloppy Boris Karloff Frankenstein monster here. It's weird because it sounds very processed but in the end it still sounds DI like, different but not really better than the original DI. Less of an issue in the verses thanks to the sparer playing, it's really just the intro and the first 2 choruses but it almost ruins it for me. "Almost" being the key word here because that other 90% of the mix is just right, letting the song shine and it's just such an adorable song!

Some other but way smaller nitpicking would be:

Electric guitar in the intro and first choruses (but specially the intro) could be louder and brighter and might help to bring in some more movement fighting that hulking feeling I talked about.

BV's in the first verse come in a little too bright and sharp against the slightly blurry LV but then that balance changes for the chorus and the LV takes command (verse 2 is kinda the same thou BV's seem to be a little softer there). Maybe something in the middle would be more coherent and seamless feeling. All vocals after the m8 sound great.

And just to keep writing till the song ends because I like it so much, this tune was begging for a fadeout, it was wearing FadeMe boots!

Messages In This Thread
Swinging Steaks: 'Lost My Way' - by KMuzic - 11-05-2019, 03:03 PM
RE: Swinging Steaks: 'Lost My Way' - by Deliza - 09-06-2019, 01:34 PM
RE: Swinging Steaks: 'Lost My Way' - by KMuzic - 15-06-2019, 10:17 PM