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My very first mixing.... Is it always so hard?
It's weird. This is the third or more song today touting it's the first mix someone's doing. Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Yeah, this mix is making my ears bleed. It's not just the guitar.
Ok. This song isn't that tricky. Yeah, there's a lot going on but that just means there's more to screw up. If this is your first attempt at mixing then, cool.
Pretend you're driving a car. On this mix, you hit the accelerator and crashed. Go slow. Don't eq. Just adjust levels. Just use the basics. All those room mics? dump them. The Kick and Snare FX tracks? Meh. Don't need them. The extra percussion tracks? Don't worry about them. What you have left can be balanced into a solid song. Get a good blend of those tracks. will it be an awesome mix? Doubtful. But it won't make ears bleed.
Reference another song to get perspective. As of now, you tried too hard. A good part of mixing is knowing your ingredients and not messing them up too much.

I dunno. It's not a great mix. I think it's because you're trying to force it. That's what I'm tying to present. You're learning and trying and it's totally cool. Try again. And again. It's a start. Don't get discouraged.

Sorry for my english, I'm an american. I can barely speak correctly. Also, kinda drunk. I've had a long day. That said, you're off to a good start and can communicate in multiple languages. That's better than most.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.

Messages In This Thread
RE: My very first mixing.... Is it always so hard? - by Roy - 21-03-2019, 03:11 AM