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Hannes Keseberg - You Know Better (PlasticDish Mix)
Here is a few words about my mix.
Please, sorry for my English)

The main idea behind this mix was to translate the vocal part in the best way.
About a technical part:
Now, after the contest, I feel, that the my mix slightly overcompressed. If I could do it again, I would give some more dynamic to this mix.
I’ve used all the recorded tracks. And also I’ve added sampled kick to have more low end.
I’ve panned guitars to left and right, to have more space in the center for vocal.
I’ve used parallel processing (added some saturation on mids) for bass guitar to make it more audible in the mix.
And I’ve used a lot of automation for the different parts of song. It’s about delay, reverb and balance.
Also I’ve used a lot of compression on groups. E.g. for drums, guitars, percussions, back vocals.
It’s nothing really interesting about my master section.
But I can say, that I’ve used SLL EQ on my master. I now, it’s not correct and you have to solve problems, doing changes on individual tracks, but I like how it sounds in this song. I think it gives interesting colour to the mix.
Also there were tape emulation, compressor and limiter.
It’s hard to describe all the details about mix.
So you can download a project (Logic Pro X).

Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hannes Keseberg - You Know Better (PlasticDish Mix) - by plasticdish - 07-03-2019, 09:28 AM