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Write something about my mix, i'll write something about yours :)
Hey Sanbiki,

Frequency balance is good, indinvidual sounds mostly on point.
Drums have good punch and nice verb.
Biggest issue for me is the disconnect of the vocals and instrumentation.
You have to decide where to place the vocals:

Either you decide to give them some space (placing them further away in 3D space) by introducing some form of verb and cut some highs.
Or you keep the dry sound, but increase them in volume. And move the singer forwards.

For such an intimate vocal performance the details in the voice dont come out enough. They are overshadowed too much by the guitars. I think those guitars should blend into the background more.
Bass has a bit to much low-lows.

This is no easy song to mix. I would probably mult the vocals and automate a lot to get the details right.

Looking forward to your feedback:


Messages In This Thread
RE: Write something about my mix, i'll write something about yours :) - by LukasL - 29-12-2018, 03:57 PM