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Drag Me Down Mix and Master
Well, I found the upper mids and treble to be overly present, much like when an exaggerated smilie curve is dropped on a master buss while unconsciously eq'ing the frequency response of a pair of DJ headpones. I must say that I found it fatiguing despite only conversational level auditioning. There's certainly an unnecessary loss of dynamics which is producing some unpleasant artifacts. At least if I want it loud, I can turn it up my end anyway, and without prejudicing the quality. It also sounds like the brickwall limiter has been inappropriately employed.

My advice to anyone who mixes with heavily skewed upper mids and treble, is to get their hearing checked professionally. If they are suffering from early stages of impairment from over exposure to loudness and the loss of high end sensitivity for example, at least they can take advice on how to stop it getting worse (which it's likely to do if left unchecked). And if their hearing is fine, then they can rule that out, celebrate, and start to look at the other possible causes.

I'd also constructively mention, the kick sounds detached from the kit and also not part of the performance? It also sounds subjectively the loudest element of the mix, which makes it a distraction.

"Nearly half of all teenagers and young adults (12-35 years old) in middle- and high-income countries are exposed to unsafe levels of sound from the use of personal  audio  devices": Read my bio.

Messages In This Thread
Drag Me Down Mix and Master - by DerikTheDoDo - 05-11-2018, 12:59 PM
RE: Drag Me Down Mix and Master - by FytaKyte - 12-11-2018, 11:57 AM
RE: Drag Me Down Mix and Master - by Monk - 12-11-2018, 03:34 PM