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Daisy Daisy (BCS Mix) + NEW MIX UPDATE!!!
OK, I'm hearing some really good things (drums sound huge and clean with a cool snare sound and a very good kick/snare balance) but I'll stick to the not so good:

Overall, that reverb is suffocating the band, especially when they do the stops. Sounds like an arena show PA, especially on the vocals which are a little low and have too much of a phone recording show feel.
I might be totally wrong, but it's pretty apparent you have a compressor on the master (either that or you did some mastering) and, even though you didn't go crazy with volume, it feels overcompressed and congested.

On the other hand, I'm dying of envy cause my mix feels pretty flat in comparison. You got a wide soundscape with a lot of punch and energy and it's probably not too far from a pro mix. You could look for a commercial tune with similar characteristics (instrumentation, tempo, the stops... I guess there must be a gazillion Californian bands with songs like this) and see what they do different, that'd probably be helpful.

Btw, I'm hearing like somebody saying something over the intro that I don't remember from the multitracks, was that on porpuse? It's a neat little touch!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Daisy Daisy (BCS Mix) + I've got another confession to make... - by Deliza - 17-07-2018, 09:44 AM