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Trafficker: 'My Father Never Loved Me'
hi! version 4-03. sounds good. perhaps take overheads down? nice delay effect with guitar, gives it 'eye of the tiger' feel. solo sounds very good. vocals also fit very nice. it seems to have slightly dull sound in general. maybe relatively louder overheads prevent your ear from bringing out high frequencies from other tracks?

to my taste version 1 has the best low end between kick and bass, and overall sound. version 2 has good vocal sound. if you're going to give it yet another try, i'd suggest you start with by using the dry vocal track as your 'anchor' sound. i think it has quite complete sound which can serve as good guide. ^_^

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trafficker: 'My Father Never Loved Me' - by kapu - 05-06-2018, 05:59 PM