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Actions - Devil's Words (First Mix)
I'm going to write a lot as I listen - so this may be choppy, but will hopefully give you some ideas to worth with. (Full Disclosure: I'm not sure on what tracks exist for this song so bare with me.)

I like that fill to kick it off is present, but I think the change is too drastic when everything else comes in - I'd try to adjust the balance there. I think I would bring the lead rhythm guitar to the front a little more.

When the verse starts - I would mix her voice back into the mix a little more. It covers some of the nuance which sounds like it is balanced really nice. (Coming back here - it's a little loud throughout)

When the chorus comes in, let the drums kick in in like the intro - it felt a little anticlimactic. Maybe compressed a little too much. For the chorus harmony track (not the backing vocals) - make sure you have that balanced up to about 75% of the lead. It needs to be heard to help fill out the mix.

I like the vibe you were going with the bridge. I would try to get the timbres of the guitar and voice to match a little more. You might need to do some panning correction with her voice on the "You are the one." It seems like she shifts her mic placement which causes it to shift right a little and then come back center - just thew me off a little. I would also start shifting her voice back to normal when the drums kick in. You could do automation here to keep it seamless. This would also help keep her voice from getting covered when everybody comes back in there as well.

Be careful of fading out too fast - it ends kinda awkward.

One thing that I have throughout - make sure you bring out all of the drum fills. You emphasize it at the start, but then they get put in the background a little too much.

Overall sounds great - I'm gonna have to give this song a go.

PS - If anything doesn't make sense, feel free to ask. I just typed this as I was listening so it may not be totally coherent throughout. Haha

Messages In This Thread
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (First Mix) - by pacollins - 05-06-2018, 01:23 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (First Mix) - by Shul - 09-06-2018, 12:46 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (First Mix) - by Shul - 09-06-2018, 02:15 AM