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Angels In Amplifiers - I'm Alright
Thanks for the feedback Lukas! I did gate the snare, however I double checked and it didn't seem to be interfering with any of the hits. I did however manually cut a couple hits out, which were the ones right before the second guitar solo. I felt that it led to better buildup for the guitar solo to jump in, and helped to emphasize the "A little piece of you." I added them back in an updated mix for reference.

After double checking the mix on speakers that aren't headphones, I can definitely hear what your saying about the bottom end. Too boomy. Ive eq'd out some of the sub frequencies and tweaked it a bit. (I can definitely tell the difference with the headroom when mastering) I have a pretty hard time mixing low frequencies but I'll be investing in some decent monitors soon and hopefully that will help. I also added some reverb to the vocals (I didn't even realize I left them completely dry). I also upped the reverb on the snare and acoustic guitar solo, and tweaked the compression settings on the acoustic rhythmic track to make it pump less. I also eq'd the mix to have more presence overall. Hopefully I improved it. Thanks for the input. Smile
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Angels In Amplifiers - I'm Alright - by NotJack - 09-05-2018, 03:44 PM
RE: Angels In Amplifiers - I'm Alright - by NotJack - 11-05-2018, 04:07 AM