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Devil's Words - MikeMike New Mix
Hi guys!

This song was one of the very first I tried to mix, you can find my mix a couple of months back from this post. Since that first one, I did a lot of other stuff, then came back to that first mix and I found it sounded just horrible ahahah Big Grin

So here's my remix. I'm proud because I think it sound waaay better than my first one, but I do think it could still be much better, so I'd really appreciate any comment and help with this.

It would have been easier to replace the snare with samples, because the live recording was actually not very good, but I wanted to challenge myself in getting a good sound out of what was there. If you here the cymbals too loud or bright it's not because of the overheads, but because of the boost I had to put on the HF of the snare to get it sound decent, so getting the overall balance of the drum kit was really hard.

Let me know your opinions, I'd really appreciate.
Thanks and bye bye!

From time to time i revise this mix and try to improve it. I'm attaching my new result, hope it sounds better. I definitely feel the vocals more focused now, and I think i managed to solve the problem of the cymbals. I actually liked the guitar sound better last time, but this was the best I could do today ahahah...
Bye guys and thanks!

.mp3    2018_03_20 Devil\'s Words.mp3 --  (Download: 7.66 MB)

.mp3    2018_03_20 Devil\'s Words_2.mp3 --  (Download: 7.55 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Devil's Words - MikeMike New Mix - by MikeMike - 10-04-2018, 06:45 PM
RE: Devil's Words - MikeMike New Mix - by gemini8 - 30-04-2018, 05:46 AM
RE: Devil's Words - MikeMike New Mix - by Shul - 09-06-2018, 12:57 AM