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Duty & Memories
Hey ! Thank you for mixing our song.

Here's some advice to improve your mix

- First, use reference tracks in the similar genre to make sure you will place each instrument in its right place. It also will help you to achieve good EQ moves. Make sure your reference track is at the same volume than your mix.

- Before using any plugin, spend a lot of time with panning and volume faders only. Make sure you get the best mix you can with these tools only. Use your reference track to make sure the tracks are at the right level.
- Bus your drum tracks to a stereo bus called DRUMS BUS, same for guitars, bass, vocals, keys, backing and so on. Then try the top down method while mixing: first your master bus : add some little EQ to improve the sound of the overall mix. Nothing big here, just 1-2 dB moves to enhance the mix.
Then do the same on your busses : some little EQ on the drum bus to make it sound more clean, same on the bass bus, guitars etc...

- Then mix in.... mono! Yes mono! Because everything will merge into a shitty mono sound, and if you can perfectly hear everything in mono, well it will sound like magic in stereo. It's damned hard, but it worth it !

- Only use EQ for now. Try to separate the tracks with EQ only. Check with your reference track if necessary. When you're happy, add compression, but only if you know why you want to use compression.
For drums: you want more sustain ? fast attack and release. More punch ? Slow attack and medium to slow release.
For vocals: usually medium/fast attack and medium release to make them consistant.
For bass: fast attack to kill the transients, slow attack to let them come through. Fast release for a round sound, slow release for something more controlled.
For guitars: electric guitars usually don't need any compression, but it depends on what you hear. Acoustic guitars usually need it. Fast attack and medium release to control the transients and make it sound more even, slow attack if you want to hear the picking.

- One last tip : make sure you compare every move you make at the same volume. The humain brain always prefer when it's louder. But it's just smoke and mirrors ! You can only truly compare when the volume is the same.

I hope this will help you Wink


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Duty & Memories - by TheHitMan - 02-11-2017, 09:36 AM
RE: Duty & Memories - by Mandubien - 07-12-2017, 11:44 AM
RE: Duty & Memories - by TheHitMan - 07-12-2017, 05:50 PM
RE: Duty & Memories - by Mandubien - 08-12-2017, 02:34 PM