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Dunning Kruger Endance mix
In principle I have nothing against the idea of snare-triggering on this multitrack, but it feels to me like you need to tighten up the triggering in this case -- I'm getting quite a lot of flamming coming through on my speakers. There's also the odd bit of mis-triggering going on too, for example at 2:16. I'd also consider applying some kind of ambience to the sample in the choruses in particular, because at the moment it feels rather like it's a bit 'stuck on' rather than a part of the full kit.

From a balance perspective, it seems to me like the drums could be a bigger player here. At the moment they're rather too distant in the mix. The bass has a nice round sound, although it does take up rather a lot of space in the mix as a result, and exacerbates the sense that the drums are lacking power somehow. Also you're losing the lead-guitar riff in the choruses, which feels like a shame. Your choice to tone down the guitar HF in general does have the advantage that the vocals really come through nicely, although I wonder whether you've muddied the overall mix tonality a bit too much in the process. It's a fine line.

At 1:10 there's some kind of wierd gain-change thing going on -- are you hitting a slow buss compressor really hard here? That's kind of what it sounds like, with the vocal and cymbal tails suddenly swerving forward in the mix. If it is, then I reckon you might be overdoing it.

I don't want to come across as too negative, because that's not what this forum's about, but overall I wonder whether you're actually trying too hard to get these tracks to fit together. They were recorded to have a sound of their own, so it'll always be hard work to fight against that, as it seems to me you're trying to do. I'd suggest as an experiment that you have a go at building a balance of all the main live-take tracks using just the faders and polarity/phase-adjustment tools. You can get an awfully long way like that, without any other processing at all, and I reckon it might give you a better feel for the inherent nature of what's been recorded.

Hope some of that's helpful, and let me know if there's anything unclear in there! Smile

Oh, and keep your eyes peeled for more Dunning Kruger multitracks coming up in future -- there are a couple more in the pipeline.

Messages In This Thread
Dunning Kruger Endance mix - by sano - 12-08-2012, 05:06 PM
RE: Dunning Kruger Endance mix - by Mike Senior - 23-08-2012, 10:17 PM
RE: Dunning Kruger Endance mix - by sano - 25-08-2012, 07:35 PM
RE: Dunning Kruger Endance mix - by uzilevi - 04-11-2012, 09:26 PM
RE: Dunning Kruger Endance mix - by frpd - 25-06-2014, 01:09 AM