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Carol Dant_Do Not Stand_mix Tommy Marcinek
(14-09-2017, 03:09 PM)loweche6 Wrote: Hi Tom!

So, I am the original mixer of this track (I live with Carol), and I can give you a bit of insight.

While I was mixing, I asked Carol if she would mind adding drum samples to her loop. She liked the idea, so I added them. The drums you hear in the original mix is layered with kick, snare and cymbal samples as well. I purposefully left the layered tracks out of the files. I felt like that was my bit of production for the mix, but I wanted to see if anyone else would do the same thing. (I sent the loop to three different tracks, filtered out all but the fundamental frequency of the individual drums I was going to trigger, sent that to a gate and triggered the sample off of the gate)

As stated, this is very much an open sandbox type of song that can go in many different directions. (The original Vox track was only on the beginning "verse").

I like what you've done, and the feel of the track is definitely cool. Maybe just a touch less high from the kick, but that is totally a taste judgement.

Nice work!


How cool is it that you not only know Carol (the artist) but that she lives with you! Who knew? Very cool.

Yeah, I really enjoyed mixing this one a lot. I'm appreciative of the info you gave and thanks for the compliment that you like the mix. I uploaded my mix to soundcloud and Carol actually sent me a message saying that she really liked my mix and to keep it up on soundcloud. So, unless you guys tell me to take it down
I'm happy to leave it up for as long as you like. I figure, the more activity on songs in as many venues as possible the more someone's name gets out there, etc. But we are all just like needles in a haystack as there are millions of songs and artists out there. As for me, after having my music on my site for several years with only a few sales, and after much consideration (and a few tears), I just made each and every one of them FREE. I don't know if it's that my music sucks or just that I'm one of those needles in the haystack. LOL!!! Plus, I'm not getting any younger. Besides, mixing has become my joy and desire now. :-)

All the best to you and Carol!!!

Tom - Tommy Marcinek

Messages In This Thread
RE: Carol Dant_Do Not Stand_mix Tommy Marcinek - by tjmtruth - 14-09-2017, 08:41 PM