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Into My Dreams - HB Mix
Hey Simon ! I'm Florian, Perpetual Escape's drummer and original mix engineer. Thank you for mixing our song Smile

Here's my feedback:

The general tone you achieved is pretty interesting. The drums drive the song nicely, the bass works well with the kick, the guitars have nice separation, the keys sit well in the mix without being too loud. Vocals are upfront, but not too much which is the way we like them Smile

Here's what you can do to improve the whole thing:

- Drums are probably a bit too loud, especially the cymbals and the kick. They also have a lot of distortion. Maybe you have compressed them too much ? The bottom snare is a bit too loud too. It adds a nice brightness but the sympathetical vibrations of the wires makes weird artifacts when I hits the toms. At last, the hats are very aggressive and too loud. They're even louder than some vocals.

- Bass: I really like its tone Smile It works really well with the kick. You can add some distortion on the heavy parts too add some spice, but it's more a matter of taste.

- Guitars: I really like their tone too! They have nice separation without being aggressive. The acoustic guitar in part 3 is a bit aggressive. You can use a compressor to tame the attack a little bit. Some EQ could help too.
In part 4 (the prog part), I think the guitars could be have more low ends. This part is the heaviest of the song, so I think it should sound like something more metal.
The final solo is not loud enough. It should emphasize the end of the child's nightmare, it's resurgence. So don't hesitate to make it epic Smile

- Keys: some parts could be a bit louder here and there (like the Steven Wilson-like frightning violins in the progressive part), but you managed them well through the whole song.

- Vocals: the first thing you need to do is to deess them more. They have aggressive sibilances. Most of the time they sit pretty well in the mix, but sometimes they need more automation to make sure they're at the right volume, especially with the male lead vocals.
You did not use a lot of FX, which is fine actually. Maybe verse 2 could deserve a special treatment, but it's fine as it is right now. Sometimes simple is better Wink
One last important thing: I can barely hear the backing vocals. It's very obvious in the last part with vocals. The Aaaaahhhhs should emphasize the female lead vocals like Pink Floyd used to do Smile Something big and epic.

That's all Wink We hope you had a lot of fun with these tracks, and we're looking forward to hearing your revised mix.

Florian - Perpetual Escape

Messages In This Thread
Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by HbGuitar - 18-07-2017, 07:21 AM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by HbGuitar - 24-07-2017, 01:55 AM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by Shon - 24-07-2017, 08:55 PM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by HbGuitar - 27-07-2017, 02:17 AM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by Mandubien - 27-07-2017, 04:10 PM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by HbGuitar - 03-08-2017, 02:16 AM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by CJ Fuller - 27-07-2017, 04:49 PM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by HbGuitar - 03-08-2017, 02:02 AM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by Mandubien - 27-07-2017, 10:09 PM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by HbGuitar - 06-08-2017, 02:07 PM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by Dangerous - 06-08-2017, 02:18 PM
RE: Into My Dreams - HB Mix - by HbGuitar - 07-08-2017, 01:39 AM