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"Its my right" - First Mix (Criticism welcome)

this kind of tune are not easy!
I don't think, if I may, it needed reverb but automation. The reverb makes me feel like you blurred you're overall mix that was fine.
when I told you to have more dynamics, I didn't mean with the master fader but to have for exemple less bass in the first verse and bit more in the the second (just few db)to have the same as when you play (as musician) in live: make room for the new comer.( i know it's rock stuff and the amps must have the volume at 11 !) it should bring movement between the different parts. I'm not a specialist with this kind of music.

as you said somewhere else it's a matter of taste.
I hope, you won't be too disappointed. Just trying to help.

have a good night (in here it is night!)


Messages In This Thread
RE: "Its my right" - First Mix (Criticism welcome) - by renny - 04-07-2017, 10:11 PM