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Perpetual Escape: 'Roots Of Mankind Matt's Mix
Hello Matt!

You did a good job on this one! Particularly on the EQing of instruments. Your ears are used to listen to this genre, for sure!
The balance is quite good too.
Drums are great. It seems you used samples.

Maybe a few improvements are possible:
- bass drum and snare drum are a bit loud.
- the shaker and tambourine are really to loud.

The guitars sound very good. You've probably scooped a lot of mids, and you did great! Many mixes here leave to much mids. It doesn't make the song sound like it was recorded in this century Wink
Sometimes the guitarists play bends. They're often to low in your mix.
And you should really do something to clean the noise of amps at the end.

Tell me what you think.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Perpetual Escape: 'Roots Of Mankind Matt's Mix - by PeteShifter - 16-01-2017, 11:23 PM