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Dark Ride - Burning Bridges (first ever mix)
Don't use a Dragonforce song as a reference mix if you mix Burning Bridges. As I wrote in the FAQ (link below) please use Killswitch Engage as a reference, because that's what we were aiming for sonically and that's what all our recording decisions are based on. If you mix Burning Bridges and use a Dragonforce song as a reference you will clearly miss the mark - it's probably the opposite of what we want to sound like.

Thx and happy mixing Smile

Ps: Your mix has too much reverb and is too squashed. I can clearly hear the bus compressor pumping in a very bad way. Back of the compression/limiting and don't use so much reverb on the snare. Ii sounds very annoying. You can get all the reverb/space you need from the room track.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Dark Ride - Burning Bridges (first ever mix) - by Blitzzz - 13-01-2017, 10:43 AM