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Drinking vodka, 'cause All the Gin Is Gone
When I first heard this track I was immediately impressed by the apparent quality of the recording. Looking further into the studio and their capabilities just made my mouth water. The collection of mics in use at the facility is tremendous.
Now, when I see a collection of mics being used so effectively and the obvious high caliber of the recording, my first instinct is to say that what I am hearing is pretty much the way the players interpreted this piece. With all the warts. In this case, the warts are minuscule (some slight ringing in the top snare and floor tom). However, I am going to trust that the players tuned their instruments with the same precision and musicality the quality recording demonstrates. With that in mind, my goals was not to get in the way of the players and their sounds, warts and all.

To that end I did very little in the way of EQ and compression which consisted of mild compression on the outside kick and some EQ to the floor tom and top snare to soften some of the ringing just a touch (is it a ring or is it tone???). The only other compensation I made was to place the sax a bit deeper into the environment to soften the tone of the player a tad. There was one instrument which really stood out for me in this recording, and that was the hi-hat! As hi-hats go, I really liked the recording of this instrument and did a bit of enhancement in the mids to bring out some of the air which I feel enhances the entire feel of the groove.

As for dynamics, I feel the players had this sussed. No need for me to get in the way of it.

The mastering of this therefore became critical for tone and dynamics which I tried to leave as transparent as possible.

So here is my take. I hope you find it listenable. As always, comments are appreciated.

.mp3    Maurizio Pagnutti Sextet - All The Gin Is Gone.mp3 --  (Download: 8.7 MB)

PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]

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Drinking vodka, 'cause All the Gin Is Gone - by Mixinthecloud - 01-12-2016, 05:33 PM