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The Inner Circle (Prog. Rock/Metal Mix)
(09-10-2016, 06:16 PM)wesleyamltd Wrote: It appears that you slowed the entire mix down.

It does sound like that... but I didn't change the tempo! The focus on the kick/snare combo, rather than the overheads, creates the impression. But it's an illusion!

(09-10-2016, 06:16 PM)wesleyamltd Wrote: The unfortunate part of doing that is you ended up making the vocals out of tune at some parts.

You raise a good point...

The song key is C# minor. I assumed (I think correctly) all tunings are to 440Hz.

There are a few places in the melody where I observed a slight lack of commitment to D or D# (the first implies Phrygian, the other Aeolian). Phrygian sounds more evil (and discordant, spooky etc) -- which suited the vibe of the mix. So there are a few phrases that now land on D for that reason.

You notice it most in the first two vocal lines, the second phrase ends on D ("but no ones talking"). The next phrase then returns to the tonic (C#) -- and that sets up much of the mood of the song. On the tuning: I didn't kill the vibrato entirely; so, although the tuning is tightened, it's not hammering every word onto the the note grid.
All sound is a distortion of silence /

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Inner Circle (Prog. Rock/Metal Mix) - by jeffd42 - 09-10-2016, 07:10 PM