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dark ride: burning bridges [dryfat mix]
I wrote and recorded this song 4 years ago if that answers your question about me beeing qualified to tell you that your mix is distorted, compressed and limited to death and not anywhere near as good as it could be. And to be honest, neither the vocals nor the solos are the problem of your mix. You are literally the first guy who has a problem with them Smile It's the basic choices you have made that are the problem of your mix and are causing ear fatigue after one minute of listening.

Sorry to hurt your feelings bro, but it is what it is. Get the basics right (volume, eq and a little amount of compression) and you are 90% done. No need to crush, clip or limit the shit out of those tracks as several other guys here have already proven with their powerful and transparent mixes. If you don't hear that your mix is distorted (and I mean the bad distortion thing, not the good) you should grab a ref track (e.g. a song from Killswitch) and compare it with your mix. You are probably not using ref tracks, are you?

I´m just giving you free feedback. You can choose to ignore it which is fine. But if you want to learn stuff and get better you should start to compare your mix with the good ones on this forum plus some pro mixes from that genre and you will instantly know that I am right.

And if you really want to do the "Who are you to tell me what's right or wrong thing?" you can hop over to this song, mix it and compare your mix with my version Smile

happy mixing and feel free to ask me anything. I´m glad if I can help.

Messages In This Thread
RE: dark ride: burning bridges [dryfat mix] - by Blitzzz - 05-10-2016, 05:14 PM