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WessMeetsWest - Alexander Birch Mix
Hello Alex,

I like the clarity of your mix, and the punch of the drums - something I still have to work on probably.

Here are some things I did differently when I mixed this song (and I agree with the "too many tracks" comment btwSmile ) - take these with care, I'm still learning about mixing.

- Lower drums level. I feel like drums are in front of the guitars in your mix, and I assumed that given the number of guitar tracks these were the most important tracks for the author.
- Automate drums level (e.g. around 1:25 the snare sound on the left feels too loud to me. Same around 2:15, it feels too "rhythmic" to me)
- Around 3:00 : I increased the level of "46_ElecGtr19Mic1" to make it more distinct. Otherwise it feels to me there's a lack of a lead in this part and I get bored.
- Not sure about this one, but I'd put more bass overall.
- A technical thing: not sure it's relevant, but I heard several people say that it's better if a mix doesn't clip at 0dB (but instead at around -0.2/-0.5) to leave room for interpolation algorithms that would create clipping otherwise. Probably not extremely important, but who knows Smile

Hope this helps !



Messages In This Thread
WessMeetsWest - Alexander Birch Mix - by Puk - 13-09-2016, 04:05 PM
RE: WessMeetsWest - Alexander Birch Mix - by moussasfeir - 14-09-2016, 10:16 AM
RE: WessMeetsWest - Alexander Birch Mix - by Puk - 20-09-2016, 12:47 PM