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Dino on the loose "Queen,s light" 2020 mix
(28-07-2016, 12:22 PM)The_Metallurgist Wrote:
(27-07-2016, 05:43 PM)Cudjoe Wrote: ..thought i would delete my previous thread and start with a clean slate..

nowt wrong with doing that. personally i'd leave the post up and just update it, the reason being that other people can also learn from our mistakes. it also helps others develop their listening skills by reading the comments and listening to the problems which they might not otherwise notice so the community at large benefits too.

regarding the mix...
it's a busy arrangement on the percussion. i found it a problem, perhaps because of the high level of compression you've applied? everything is trying to fight for my attention, it seems, which makes it rather a struggle to hang in there for the duration. in other words, it gets fatiguing. i'd try backing off the compressors, seeking some ways to get some depth into the mix in key places, so that not all instruments want my attention but sit quietly in the mix to support it, rather than try and dominate it, if you see what i mean? if we drop a compressor on something, the first thing it does is bring the instrument forwards by making it louder and changing the timbre by affecting the attack envelope; it gets brighter and more exciting. but too exciting for an extended duration can be over whelming.

i'd also try and find some automation opportunities, above paragraph accepted that is, where you can change the levels overall and bring certain instruments into the spotlight; there's some cool melodies going on and great interplay between the instruments which i think you could work to your advantage. it's all at one level, which some might find boring...we like contrast. i've not put a meter on it, but i bet you've less than 3dB of loudness range here.

the general timbre was a good call, and it seemed well balanced in that respect during the first listen over non-reference boxes.

did you mix this on headphones?

Hi, no only monitors, i only use them as a last reference but i totally agree with you and don,iam always try going for a in your face sound which does not always work so thanks for review,whilst mixing this track i had a fair bit of mixbuss compression and saturation going on,not only that but whilst doing the semi mastering i also slammed it too hard on the limiter so this next mix i have done has no mixbuss comp and less comp through out,what do you guys think?

.mp3    Dino on the loose,Queens light less comp mix.mp3 --  (Download: 11.42 MB)


Messages In This Thread
RE: Dino on the loose "Queen,s light" 2016 new mix - by Cudjoe - 28-07-2016, 03:39 PM