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The Funny Valentines: 'Sleigh Ride (Dynamics mis)
Balances seem to be fine, but in overall sounds I think there might be too much presence in every track. Now they are all competing somewhere around 1-4 k.

To fix prescence class I might try this kind of plan:

- main vox could be a bit warmer. Vox is the main thing in this song - I think - and everything else should be listened with attention to vox. (Don’t mute it while adjusting other instruments, so that you’ll hear if anybody steps on it)
- double bass could be a fuller with less attack sound. Now it sounds now as if it’s played through guitar amp.
- with piano I would try to find a smooth presence area that wouldn’t fight with new warmer vox sound. For example, try to find the most beautyful presence area from the vox, and make sure piano is not too much there.

Would that plan work? I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll find a your own good working plan if you put your focus to ”not to make a presence clash”

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Funny Valentines: 'Sleigh Ride (Dynamics mis) - by Olli H - 19-02-2016, 08:11 AM