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Forkupines Sleep - The Fire Bloom In Water. My Mix!
(09-02-2016, 12:00 PM)wurstdrummer Wrote: Your snare might snap a little more and have more room and there's some minor editing to be done on some tracks like vocals. You can hear when certain plugins kick in and that's nothing you'd want in a professional mix.
But that's all just minor stuff. I like your intuitive style in processing the tracks. You have a great sense for it, keep it up!

Yeah, i totally understand your point about the voice and snare. I don't edited nothing in the tracks and the compression brought all the background noise and pop-ups. I'll pay more attention in a next time... Very thanks for your reply, i really appreciated the fact that the producer of Forkupines be here open for discussions. Smile

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RE: Forkupines Sleep - The Fire Bloom In Water. My Mix! - by danielhorta - 09-02-2016, 03:58 PM