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Human Radio - You And Me And The Radio (M&F)
(06-02-2016, 07:00 AM)Digitaldruglord Wrote:
(06-02-2016, 06:49 AM)thedon Wrote: Hi
I also am trying out the Nx with hd600's ,as a secondary as my room is not perfect ,the free JB Isone is also a great plugin i have been using to simulate crosstalk on headphones.
But i still prefer mixing on monitors in a well treated room.
just a matter of getting the mix to translate on different monitoring situations and finding a suitable reference to compare to !
Your mix sounds great and translates really well on laptop small monitors,But when listening on Ns 10's the drums sound a little top heavy especially the kick beater.
The Tambourine just needs some reverb to soften it up into the background a touch.
Just some thoughts while having a listen .
Cheers Big Grin

All makes sense.. I've been rotating my recalls and will hit those points on the next time I'm in this session..

Man I couldnt find NS10s and had to opt for the HS7 (with the deceptive white cone lol) and don't think I want to run an amp for the 10s where the HS have the power in them.. But NS10 is the holy grail of monitoring... I remember back when I was moving away from audio, Yamaha announced they was going to stop making replacement parts and I'm suprised to see the 10s still strong in use 15 years later.

If a mix makes it there (10s) it will make it anywhere..

NX is downright amazing IMO.. I've spent a lot of time in rooms and sure while nothing beat a real room, for the right experience the NX can help a mixer make similar decisions as if in a room... The balance it provides.. And every time I bypass NX, I'm happy with the foundation and can work from there. Sonarworks is really good also for the Senn HD cans.. All this stuff is amazing to me.. I never thought I'd see the day when pro Audi tech would be this advanced..
Technology is amazing.
I love the hs7s a great sounding monitor with a nice flat sound.
The Ns10's have a sound of their own which takes a lot of getting used to ,you are right about the amp ,I'm running them through a 150 watt RMS mosfet audiophile amp I hand built myself about 30 years ago which sounds amazing ,but i have to be careful not to crank the volume to loud and cook them as they are only rated at 60 watts ,120 max .
I am thinking of getting hd800's and amp ,How Would you rate them compared to would hd 650's for mixing ?
Cheers .

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Human Radio - You And Me And The Radio (M&F) - by thedon - 06-02-2016, 07:46 AM