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THANK YOU! - Official Release Mix: Opinions, Q&A, critics, additional information!
(25-10-2015, 09:55 PM)wurstdrummer Wrote: Here's the soft mastering to compare it with the hard master I already provided.
I'm sorry for having caused such an amount of disgust in you with my mix, Dave... Can't help it, I did my best.

Honestly, I don't notice a huge difference between this one and the hard master... opinions?

Hi Till,

First thanks again for providing these multitracks.
I don't know Dave but just out of humble curiosity I would really like to compare discogrophies.
Of cousre mine peters out after about 2005, health problems forced this old man into semi-retirement. But I used to be a container, err contender when it came to engineering. I'm just trying to be professional, something I think Dave has yet to learn. Otherwise I would ask some completely different questions and compare a lot more than how many majors either he or I worked on.

Ok Sorry but his rant was just so uncalled for as is my reply here. But someone has to tell some people to behave.

As to your mixes, I like the soft master better. The original upload is a little too pumped for my taste. See, I've been doing this for a very long time and what I'm hearing is a well balnenced mix with good sounds that may have been over-mastered. I can tell the difference between a mix and it's master. I don't mean to put the mastering facility down but I think if they had put in just alittle more time and maybe gotten some input from you, the mixer, it would sound very different.

The soft master gives the wall of guitars a little more space and lets the lead vocal ride out in front of the mix. The hard master made the lead sink a bit down into the mix and pasted the guitars at an overly corrected space and Eq.

I really liked the work that you've done. And stop calling yourself a beginner. You can obviously mix an industry standard recording that any Indie label looking to put out this Indie band would have no problem releasing.

Sooner or later we all get to that point of industry standards. What sets us apart is nothing more than how unique the final sound of the mix is. In other words to be different is better than to be safe.

As an old-timer and professional I deeply apologize for the terrible statments made by Dave.
I think he may be mad at something else, no mix no matter how good or bad could elicit that kind of emotion based upon the mix alone. Something else was surely on his mind.

I don't knwo if this is the correct place to put this, but, this is my straight pass, no automation, no effects except on the lead vocal. Just a bone dry attempt at the track first as a starting point. Get insulted and then take the usefull comments to heart and make it better.

Sorry for my rant. And agin I thank you for putting these tracks up so that those of us who enjoy the wonder of mixing can do some great work.

Tom Chianti
AlanaTomiC Productions and Publishing (ASCAP)

.mp3    By The Fire Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 5.18 MB)


Messages In This Thread
RE: Official Release Mix: Opinions, Q&A, critics! - by TChianit - 29-10-2015, 04:49 AM