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THANK YOU! - Official Release Mix: Opinions, Q&A, critics, additional information!
I don't know that I can even remotely agree with Dave's loudness issues on this. I can't stand overcompressed mixes/masters, and jump all over them when it is annoying, and I don't see anything bothersome about it in your mix Till.

Sure, it is loud, but loudness isn't in and of itself a negative. Squashed dynamics can be an ugly thing, but this song doesn't actually have a huge dynamic range anyway.

I agree that going for loud gusto isn't smart, but in the case of your mix/master here, I do not hear anything annoying in the loudness. I am certainly not a noob (been an audio engineer since the 1980s), and think that Dave's opinion on this matter is perhaps a bit "stronger" than it need be.
Joe Walter
a.k.a. "grizwalter"
Mile-High Audio Productions
[email protected]


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RE: Official Release Mix: Opinions, Q&A, critics! - by grizwalter - 25-10-2015, 09:45 PM