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Cur An Long Ag Seol (My 1st step in the 12 steps of bass addiction recovery)
You have a ”Twelwe step method”. Did you know that Chuck Berry had a ”Thirteen Question Method”. But he probably used it for another purpose.

I think it’s a good mix. I like the balances and overall sound.

Some minor problems that came to my mind:

Your first step in your bass addiction recovery (what ever it means) is quite strong, as I have here and there problems in hearing the bass. But I don’t think that as a problem. THis has a nice live feeling.

Also overall sound is bit too bright. (On the other hand, my mix was maybe too dark)

I think the space is not optimal yet. Is it too bright or something?. Listen for example around 1:20. There’s some shaker sounding instrument (snare?) that’s difficult to locate in space. As if it’s constantly moving slightly from left to right (because of reverb?).

Some hits come through quite loud. Is it acoustic guitar strings or what? For example around 0:30. If I remember correctly I used dynamic eq to tame those things.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cur An Long Ag Seol (My 1st step in the 12 steps of bass addiction recovery) - by Olli H - 02-09-2015, 11:29 AM