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Bravestar - The Metallurgist's "Tragedy" Mix.
In regards to your preamble, I had all the same difficulties... seems to me I roughed it in half a dozen times just to try and make sense of everything, particularly the musical/emotional role that Bravestar was intending for the various glitches and effects. Bohemian is a good word for it-- it's almost more of a musical sketch than a song.

I liked this mix, personally, and I think the creative touches are real necessity for this, since it's pretty formless in its raw state. Most of the guys I know who are making music like this mix it as they compose... probably for all the reasons you've highlighted. It's too damn confusing to mix in a separate process Tongue.

This material in my opinion begs for a really "mixy" approach, kinda like the pioneer rap music that was very obviously built out of samples. No sense trying to blend/weave together a bunch of pieces that won't fit, so the "unnatural" sounding approach you've used is perfect... and we might as well slice it up and distort the hell out of it while we're at it, and that's really helping the synths out a lot. And despite the dirty, lo-fi presentation, it still feels like a professional production, made with care.

Cool stuff, man.

This part is a sincere question: I was under the impression that the 32 bit to 24 bit crush isn't a huge deal since modern PCs are capable of handling the long decimals... and the noise floor for 24 bit audio is too quiet to be an issue. What am I missing there? I'm still learning how to hear dither, but with that much headroom, what is there to hear? There seem to be to many opinions on the web to sort out the facts...

I'm grateful for comments and suggestions. Thank you for listening!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bravestar - The Metallurgist's "Tragedy" Mix. - by pauli - 18-06-2015, 11:15 PM