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Milk Cow Blues Unofficial Mix by audioMan
Here is my mix. I really liked this song, very simple but masterful arrangement.

Here are some notes about my mix:

Mixed in Mixbus.

Used Slate Digital Revival (which is free, you should get it) and The Glue compressor on the master bus.

De-essed the vocal.

Used Voxengo Stereo Touch (also free) on the vocal and the electric guitar as a delay.

For reverb, I used Focusrite's Scarlett Reverb plugin.

The EQ and compression, along with the tape saturation in Mixbus was used on most tracks. Rather subtly though.

The rest was just panning and levels. No automation on this one.

I then pre-mastered the mix in WaveLab Elements 8, with my main tool being the Waves Linear Phase Multi-band Compressor and the Steinberg Tube Compressor (as a parallel compressor).

Feedback is greatly appreciated Smile

- audioMan

.m4a    Milk Cow Blues Unoffical Mix by audioMan.m4a --  (Download: 11.64 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Milk Cow Blues Unofficial Mix by audioMan - by audioMan - 19-05-2015, 11:20 PM