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Preach Right Here
Hi Shade,

Firstly, I want to say that I think that you have really done a great job of this mix! You've done this song justice Smile

Nice drum treatment, good separation, good stereo image and a vocal that sits quite well in the mix.

There are a couple of things that I picked up on but they could very well be subjective, personal taste things:

1) I think that your treatment of the overall drums is superb. However, I think that the toms sound a bit flat. They don't stand out that much. I feel like they are missing that "bounce" type sound you normally get from toms that are out wide in the mix.

2) I think that the percussion levels are too high in the intro section (perhaps a bit through the rest of the song as well).

3) The vocals for the most part, fit really well in the mix (though for my own taste I'd raise the lead vocal up a hair during the "bigger" parts). I think you've done a great job here. The one part that I question is the bit that starts around 3:16. I feel that it is a quiet, intimate part of the song that builds up to the final climax. Your vocal treatment here, though, sounds quite loud and bright but then dips down as it moves in to the big moment which feels a bit anti-climatic to me.

4) I like the direction that you went with the bass treatment. As much as I like the strong and present bass sound, I think that it needs to be reigned in a bit. I feel that when it comes in, it is creating some low-end (or maybe mid?) mud. It has punch for sure, which is awesome, but it is robbing a bit of clarity from other instruments. Might just be a wayward frequency in the low-mid area rather than the whole bottom end but be wary of too much overlap on your kick drum.

Again, the above are just opinions and probably quite taste specific. I don't want to detract from what a good job you did here. Well done Smile

Messages In This Thread
Preach Right Here - by Shade Hazelin - 12-04-2015, 03:42 PM
RE: Preach Right Here - by VinayJD - 27-04-2015, 12:15 PM
RE: Preach Right Here - by Shade Hazelin - 21-10-2015, 03:17 PM