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Patrick T - Blue (Metallurgist)
(15-03-2015, 04:08 AM)ptalbot Wrote: So I've spent some time listening to this mix again and again....

The problem with subjective analysis is that it's based on taste and personal preferences which is an expression of one's Terms of Reference. It doesn't help develop mixing skills, because subjectivity isn't a skill – everyone can be subjective, even the insane.

I did say in my preamble that my goal wasn't to try and guess or assume the needs of the artist, or to satisfy needs already expressed elsewhere. I felt there were issues in the song which detracted from my engagement with it, and I wanted to try and address them within the constraints of a DAW and tools available...and time! Have 100 people listen to a song, and there will be 100 different subjective opinions.....and the artists' will simply be one of those. Besides which, it is too late in the day, at the mix, to start thinking about decisions and visions which could/should have been considered and thrashed out during the composing and arranging part of the process where the needs of the mix are of paramount consideration. Late, unplanned changes of a significant nature will tend to be difficult to implement, especially transparently.

So, getting someone/everyone to like ALL creative indulgences here is like finding a hen's tooth. And this is why I fundamentally requested people not to judge the “delays” in particular, because I know instinctively they don't fit the context very well. Of course, that doesn't mean that the vision itself is flawed but perhaps needs further work to get it to I won't be doing though, so I'll never know if the vision had legs. The pitch changes on the delay of the delays really irks me LOL.

The apparent time issues which you mentioned in the mid section? It works from my MIDI (Terms of Reference) ear's perspective, and it also works, I'm glad to say, by my partners, who's probably far more qualified than both of us put together; a professionally trained cellist, percussionist and vocalist of all things. The sample was moved around quite a bit to find the ideal “moment” and this felt right. Perhaps you don't like offbeats but I love um; it's the offbeat nature in the space of the pause which makes it “right”. We must agree to disagree therefore. In a commercial world, I'd of course listen to the artist and let them hang themselves but not without first being a dutiful mixing engineer and flagging up what I view are issues which need to be addressed or at least considered before it's too late. This is normally outside the scope of a "vanilla" mixing engineer who simply takes what he's given and gets on with the job without fear of losing his life . It's one of the reasons why a musician is advised not to mix their own material...because they lack impartiality....and so do their mates, ESPECIALLY their mates, including the ones who like curry, heh.

Your note regarding the end sample placement? This is bang on time. I think the third delay, which was given a lower amplitude than the 2 preceding, is possibly throwing your ears, unless you're subconsciously being distracted by some old decays going on elsewhere?

I feel an organ isn't the right instrument (good call from you on the circus-type patch though...but that doesn't resonate really for me). I wanted strings but would have had to fire up the external gear and engage in orchestral shenanigans (with care to ensure context, naturally). With the fresh spring air and abundant sunshine calling me, it wasn't going to happen because I'd pretty much achieved my personal goals within the time I was willing to spare – I've done some major work, which I'm glad you have appreciated...thank you for your kind words in that regard. I think it's the principle that something needs to be done in order to bring a sonic change in the landscape to help the song engage it's audience that's important from my perspective? I'm in the audience Wink

The 6 second sound bite during the intro? Come on man, you're making mountains out of mole hills now. On a creative level, I think it's a stroke of genius Cool

Thanks for your time and attention though, it's appreciated. Thanks for the material too, I had a lot of fun working it....even the stuff that isn't quite working yet.......

.......nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Beware...........Cognitive Dissonance!

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