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One Minute Smile - Actions
You have buildups of various frequency (low mids being the most prominent, then the 4-8k range). I think your background vocals are way too loud for the lead vocals. Everything seems to be too loud in general, in fact. It's rare that I say this, but you may be monitoring with your speakers too low, and trying to overcompensate with bringing the levels up higher (or your could just have everything too loud, and you don't realize how loud you are monitoring, which actually may be more of the case). Your stereo image is a little "smeary," so take a look at your panning, but I think eqing out the frequency buildups will help a lot with your soundscape. Make sure you can "see" your soundscape in your mix, and everything sounds the way you would imaging hearing the instrument being played, or you playing it yourself. If your ears get tired quickly (you start having trouble making decisions quickly) you are probably listening too loudly. I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, but I am just explaining what I hear. Keep going, and keep having fun! And make sure you make a lot of big mistakes, especially with the "creative effects," because eventually you'll have made them all and will know how to repair it! Smile

Happy Mixing!

Messages In This Thread
One Minute Smile - Actions - by kojampef - 16-12-2014, 12:20 AM
RE: One Minute Smile - Actions - by loweche6 - 16-12-2014, 05:10 AM