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Human Mistakes
(05-04-2014, 10:49 PM)pauli Wrote: Given my low end limitations....

Hi Pauli,

my comments were general in nature, rather than engaging in your mix specifically, because i am aware that boosts can be a hazard as much as a benefit...sometimes both at the same time!

it's always the low end that sorts the men out from the boys, simply because of all the technical requirements that needs alignment; one thing astray is sufficient to mess up so it pokes in the face, or doesn't poke quite enough Smile Balance is difficult. ultimately, it's why any serious mixer should leave the bass element tuning to a Mastering Engineer who's acoustic environment and gear set-up has been installed by a "qualified" Acoustician. so, unless someone has "known" acoustics in their private studio, you can bet your bottom dollar that it won't be right, and not right in a BIG way. ignorance is bliss.

and of course, all those out there who give feedback and say the bass is good, or it's not, are most likely making judgement using criteria that is perhaps totally an untreated room, with an unknown frequency response, and with 2-way monitors! adding a sub-woofer into the equation simply magnifies the issues of a room's modes...the smaller the room, the bigger the problem. it's all very complicated down this end of the business. if you ever tire of counting sheep, i can recommend some good books on acoustics which never fails. it even beats watching cricket Wink IF you take mixing REALLY seriously, you have no choice. it will also help you understand the issues DIY musicians have in trying to get semi decent recordings to us.....and how their issues impose constraints on our mixing, and by default limit the extent of quality outcome that is actually achievable...but YOU will get the blame if it doesn't suit their expectations. Angels in Amplifiers....might be a good example of inherent issues, by way of example. but because of the nature of DIY, mixing of such projects end up as damage limitation exercises. so, instead of adding polish to the recordings, one ends up trying to repair damaged goods....but the DIY'er might think it's fine. i digress, but it has relevance, me thinks.

i think anyone who criticises or even comments regarding the levels of bass in the forum, most likely isn't the best qualified to do so. and if they insist, ask to see their waterfall chart of their room's acoustics. this normally shuts them up pretty quickly.

if this helps you... i use my headphones to get a more reliable handle. at least this removes the room and all it's associated issues, but this too, isn't without issue. but you need good headphones which often cost as much as a pair of monitors, and even these are a compromise, because only the more expensive ones are capable of delivering both bass, mid-range clarity, and a representative high end....that whole spectral balance thing. some do it better than others.

and i use my sub when i want my trousers to flap or dry my hair Smile

i have 3 pairs in the house...2 for the studio (Sennheiser HD650's and Bayerdynamic 880 pros), and one for the lounge - the Ovation II's, and they each have their own individual attributes. one will give a better representation of a genre than another because of the spectral content diversity of the genres and the attributes of the headphone. this takes some getting used to as well.

ultimately, to get a rough idea(!), you need to play the music over different gear, and as much gear as possible. that way you can take the average and achieve a more reliable perspective. probably not practical with mixes in the forum, but worth the effort if it's your own material. note that it's not the gear you will be listening to, but the way the gear is interacting within the acoustic space. no two spaces are the same....which is why the same speaker in different rooms, will sound.....different.

so, if someone criticises your bass in any mix here, take it as a pinch of salt. employing spectral analysis tools can be a useful guide when used along side reference materials which you've learned to trust, but the more tools you exploit, the more reliable/accurate your "average" becomes.

be alive to the fact that to absorb an 80Hz frequency, you need 1 meter of absorbancy to stop it banging around your room. and if you don't, then you could be sitting in one hell of a deep null, and pushing your fader up because you think the frequency is insufficient!!!!! so, all this talk about boosting this and that frequency becomes pretty much irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, wouldn't you say?

i've tried to keep it short, sorry if i've gone on a bit. but hopefully some of it will resonate with you and is of use...if you don't already know it.

Beware...........Cognitive Dissonance!

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RE: Human Mistakes - by pauli - 06-03-2014, 05:02 AM
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RE: Human Mistakes - by pauli - 06-03-2014, 11:37 PM
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RE: Human Mistakes - by The_Metallurgist - 14-04-2014, 10:39 PM
RE: Human Mistakes - by Pedaling Prince - 15-04-2014, 02:33 AM
RE: Human Mistakes - by pauli - 16-04-2014, 10:35 PM
RE: Human Mistakes - by Pedaling Prince - 17-04-2014, 02:34 AM
RE: Human Mistakes - by pauli - 17-04-2014, 03:27 PM